Paper Published on Journals
Title Bibliographic Details 1.Electronic Journal
RBU Journal of Library and Information Science. Vol.4; 2000 2.Role and Duty of Librarians in the 21st Century.
Granthagar , Bengal Library Association (BLA). Vol.51 No.4; 2001, Page-75-77 3.Internet: a threat and precautions
SRELS Journal of Information Management.Vol-38 No.2; 2001, page-139-148 4.Journal Selection & Theory of Marginal Utility
Annals of Library and Information Studies.Vol-48 No.-3; 2002 page-107-110p. 5.Aggretor: A Rich and Economic Source of E-Journal
IASLIC Bulletin. Vol. 49. No. 2; 2004. 111-119p. 6.Digital Library: A myth or reality (in Bengali Language)
Granthagar. Vol.55. No.2; May 2005 7. Management of Information with the held if WinISIS for a library: a practical approach.
RBU Journal of Library & Information Science, Vol. 10, 2007, 43-47p. 8. Information service through library in the remote village area. (in Bengali Language)
Granthagar. Vol.57, No.3, June 2007. 68-70p. 9. Granthagare tathyasongjog-o-prajuktir proyog-o-bhabishyat. (in Bengali Language)
RBU Journal of Library & Information Science, Vol. 11, 2008, 37-47p.
Paper Presented and Published on Seminar / Conference
Title Bibliographic Details 1. E-commerce: a primer for libraries
XIX National Seminar of IASLIC, 13-16 November, 2000, MP Council of Science and Technology, Bhopal, 315p. 2.Pre-requisite and Selection Criteria of Multimedia Authoring Tools (MAT)
Workshop on Multimedia and Internet Technologies, 26th -28th Feb, 2001 at DRTC, Bangalore 3.Metadata: The Foundation of Content Description
XXIII All India Conference of IASLIC, Univ. of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, 4-7 December, 2001. 85-90 p. 4.Entering a new communication ere: a digital library system for information professionals
8th National Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research Institute(CALIBER-2001)Pune, 15-16 March, 2001, 327p. 5. Management Internet Resources on Library Home Page: A special reference to NAL library home page.
OCLC-NISSAT-DRTC Workshop on Information Resource Management 13-15th March 2002, Bamgalore. 6. Design for Library and Information Science Program in e-learning environment.
Conference on ICT for facilitating Digital Learning Environment. 10-13 January 2006. DRTC, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore. I-1-10p. 7. Present a library to the global community through WWW with proper content management to the library web site
Proceedings of the National Conference on Information Management in Digital Libraries on 2-4 August, 2006, organized by central library, IIT Kharagpur.***[Download] 8. A suggestive model for Social Science Information System (SSIS) and its issues and challenges.
The National Seminar on 'Access to Social Science Information' , February 7-8, 2007 organized by Vidyasagar University.